Gone are the days when the Accounts Receivable staff has enough time on its hands to stay ahead of the game. Putting out fires often seems to be the norm, and finding a way to touch all accounts with any sort of regularity seems almost like a pipe dream.
That’s why we created a separate DBA called Client Services Group. Our team of trained professionals become that additional staff you need to make the contacts you can’t. This team is completely separate from out regular third-party collection group, and they will contact your customers in a soft-call, customer service-style manner.
Client Services Group was created to meet the need many credit executives have of finding a way to maintain contact with customers when their credit and AR staff are already stretched very thin. Our staff will contact each of your customers, informing them, for instance, that your company has partnered with us to assist in managing your cash flow or in maintaining contact with customers. These customers will be thanked for their business on your company’s behalf and asked if additional contact with someone in sales would be appreciated. They will also be asked if copies of invoices or statements are needed, where and to whom they should be sent, and when the invoices may be expected to be put with the customer’s accounts payable department.
If you prefer to customize how your customers are approached and what specifics should be covered when we make contact for you, we will be happy to work with you to meet your specific needs.
Many clients have found creative ways to utilize our team of professional, customer-service-oriented representatives. CONTACT US to see how we can customize as program to meet your challenges.